Yoga Etiquettes

  • Class starts in time : Arrive well in time, at least 15 minutes before. No student allowed to enter the hot room after the teacher’s entry
  • Maintain stillness: Don’t move around when unable to do a posture. Instead kneel down or stand still lest you disturb others trying hard to balance or hold a posture
  • NO talking : Maintain silence in the hot room at all times. Socialising / conversations are all welcomed outside of it. Seek clarifications/explanations , if any , from the teacher after the class.
  • Drink water only between postures not while the postures are going on
  • No electronics / gums / personal belongings etc in the hot room. Avail lockers for the same
  • Expect to sweat: try not to wipe the sweat ­ it’s your body’s natural system of cooling. You can even carry two towels if you sweat profusely.
  • Don’t rush out of the hot room after the final shavasana ­ wait till after the teacher leaves.
  • Mat Placement : Mats to be placed in a staggered fashion so you don’t block the view of the person behind you.
  • No perfumes or strong odours please
  • Showers : Make your shower time short as possible as a consideration to those waiting