Preparing for your first class


Yoga Mat

Towel – full length

Water Bottle

Change of clothes

While we encourage you to carry your own, you can hire / buy any of the above at the studio.

TIME: Always arrive well ahead of time , 15 to 20 minutes ahead, to complete the registration process as well as to procure a good spot in the hot room from where you can see yourself in the mirror.

ATTIRE: Wear light weight and well fitting clothes – nothing baggy. Shorts/ tights with T shirts for women and shorts for men work the best .

HYDRATION : Hydration is an important factor in hot yoga. So hydrate yourself well before each class. for instance if you are coming for an early morning class you should ideally increase your water intake from the evening before.


LISTEN TO YOUR BODY : Do only as much as you can especially in the first few classes. Don’t push too hard.

SNACK: Avoid eating or drinking anything heavy about one and a half to two hours before your scheduled class. But have a light snack 3-4 hours before class like some apple juice, couple of dates, almonds etc