What if I am not flexible?

Most first time students share the same concern. Don’t let your inflexibility keep you away! You don’t have to be flexible to do yoga. Just come and do yoga and see your flexibility improve!

How do I get started?

Come about 20 minutes early for your first class. You will be asked to fill out a brief registration form, pay the fee, sign the attendance sheet and begin your class.

How does Bikram Yoga work?

By the tourniquet effect: stretching, balancing (using gravity), and creating pressure all at the same time. The blood supply in arteries and veins is being cut off, creating pressure.

When released, a lock gate effect is created, causing blood to rush through veins and arteries, flushing them out. Also, pressure is applied to the heart by its relative position to the rest of the body.

Why the heated room?

The studio is heated to an average temperature of 105+ degrees to help each student achieve their goals of increased flexibility, detoxification. Cold, stiff muscles have limited range of motion. When the room is warm, so are your muscles. Warm muscles are more receptive to transformation enabling you to get a deeper stretch. Other benefits of the heat include: body detoxification (a full body facial), blood thinning to clear the circulatory system, increased heart rate for a better cardiovascular workout, and improved strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization.

Warm bodies are much more flexible which dramatically decreases the chance of injury. Using heat enables students to maximize each class by getting deeper into each posture. The result for each student is breakthrough levels of flexibility, strength and balance.

How best can I prepare for the class?

  • If you drink large quantities of caffeine drinks or eat mostly processed foods it can affect your body’s ability to tolerate the heat, so please cut down on these items in preparation for class.
  • Take care of yourself, stay well hydrated and take your electrolytes. Remember the four (4) class goal. The body will adapt.
  • Prepare to sweat.
  • Listen to your body and don’t push yourself much especially as a beginner
  • Eat light (applies to your last meal before class), wear light clothes – nothing loose and bulky and come with an attitude to learn.
  • Keep coming. The worse you feel the more you need this yoga, remember, this yoga reveals to us the present condition of our bodies.

How hydrated should I be before class?

Hydration levels vary for each oobody type but the key is to drink lots of water (about 3 litres) all day long! You, however, don’t want to come to class with a sloshy stomach or full bladder. So don’t take too much water right before the class.

What about eating before class?

Try not to eat at least 2 hours before class. You may feel heavy, nauseous or tired. If there’s a big time gap between your last meal and the class take few almonds, dates or a small serving of fruit about 2 hours before class.

What should I wear/bring to class?

The room is heated and the class is a vigorous 90-minutes. It is best to wear clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Women: tight fitting shorts/ pants and a t-shirt. For men close fitting shorts work best, t-shirts are optional. Please bring a mat, towel and a water bottle.

Do you have separate classes for beginners?

No. All classes are open to all levels, beginners and advanced students alike. Having advanced students in class with you is helpful. Use them as a resource. Remember, they, too, had their first class once and look at how far they’ve come!

What if I hate the heat?

If the heat creates extreme discomfort for you, don’t get discouraged; all you need is the strength and determination to take four (4) classes in one week. This will dramatically increase your tolerance. If you are not a fan of the heat now within four classes you will be. You will be amazed at how quickly the body adapts to the high temperature.

Should I practice Bikram Yoga when Menstruating?

It is perfectly safe to do Bikram’s yoga when menstruating. Inverted postures are normally the postures contraindicated for menstruation. But there are no inverted postures in Bikram yoga. In fact Bikram yoga is very good for toning the reproductive system as it directly affects the reproductive organs and the endocrine glands–pituitary, pineal and thyroid gland in particular. The women’s cycle becomes regular; complaints of irregularity and PMS decrease.

Is the routine the same every time?

Yes. However, the body and mind are always different so the postures, and their order, don’t ever get boring. Bikram scientifically designed the series so that one posture opens a specific area of the body in preparation for the next posture. By practicing the same order in every class you will be able to measure your progress over time. Remember, this is a lifetime practice that can always improve, deepen and advance!

With a proper diet is Bikram Yoga good for weight loss?

A minimum of 10 classes per month is recommended to get the benefits of Bikram Yoga, among which is weight normalization. As a beginner, It takes three classes for your body to understand the proper approach to the posture, and ten classes for your body to begin to work with postures. You will realize optimization of all your body systems.

Digestion and respiration, as well as endocrine, lymphatic and elimination systems will begin to work harmoniously. Your appetite will normalize, and your unhealthy cravings will diminish. All of these results will help to normalize your weight if you devote yourself to regular practice, at least, but preferably more than 3 times per week.

Is it a cardiovascular workout?

You’ll be amazed at the cardiovascular workout you get in a 90-minute class! No matter what level of fitness you are this yoga will be a challenge you never outgrow. To get the most cardiovascular work you must HOLD the posture for the full count and work with an honest 100% effort.

How often should I come to class?

How quickly do you want good things to happen to you? It’s simple. The more you attend class, the faster the body will blossom. For good results, students are encouraged to attend at least 3 classes per week. For life changing results, students should strive for 5-7 classes a week. There is no such thing as too many classes a week.

What if I can only come once or twice a week?

Coming only one or two days a week will provide you with all the wonderful benefits only you won’t see the results as quickly. You will, however, feel the benefits after every class, no matter how infrequently you practice. Come when you can and make each class your escape to a world of wellness.

During my first class I felt dizzy, nauseous, overwhelmed and after class I had the worst headache and felt nauseous all day! Why?

During your first class, it is not unusual to feel nauseous, dizzy or headachy. Practicing yoga in a heated room reveals to us our present condition, and inspires us to take much better care of ourselves.

It might be that you are working too hard and not listening to your body during class. You MUST respect your body and take breaks throughout your class on an as needed basis. Approach this yoga carefully, respectfully and with a smile.

Usually the problem is that we do not drink enough water for daily living, let alone for exercising in a heated room.

Nutritionists tell us that we need 64-80 ounces of water a day to help the body function properly. In the heated yoga room, your body needs adequate fund of water to allow perspiration to release heat from the body as you practice. So we estimate you need another 64-80 ounces (sometime during the day) to allow for your 90 minutes in the room. Once you are drinking enough water your body will tolerate the heat better and you will actually enjoy the heat.

A headache and/or dizziness can be a sign of dehydration. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Some students can also feel sick to their stomach. These can be specific symptoms of salt and potassium depletion and can easily be remedied by taking salt and potassium tablets before class. You can maintain your electrolyte levels through electrolyte powders, coconut water etc after class.

If after your class, you feel disoriented or feel like you need a good nap after your first few classes, this is likely because your body has begun to cleanse itself as a result of the yoga practice. Don’t be scared. After the first few classes as you work deep into your internal organ system this sensation will pass.